Friday, March 12, 2010

YOU are NOT important to them!

remember if you go there that YOU are NOT important to the gang that runs the channel in fact they dont wanna hear anything about it if your not happy with the way they treat you! also remember that YOU are NEVER going to feel welcome there you will always feel like an outsider (maybe thats why no one new ever sticks around very long unless they are stubburn then they eventually drive those away too!) Ninepatch will only use you for what she can whine and pity poor me please you out of! souix is just one nasty nasty rude peice of work who doesnt want anything to do with anyone who isnt part of the gang (and i dont mean gang in a good way i mean gang as in thugs and street gangs!) they lie OH MY GOD DO THEY LIE, they lie about everything!
they told EVERYONE on quiltchat i was bashing them well im not im only bashing the bad ones and they know who they are i have named some perhaps next post ill name some of the good ones that used to be there and some that might still be there that i would NEVER bash as they have never given me a reason to! HELL ill name them now the good ones are

nwjenn (even tho she is too scared to talk to me ever again!)

and 2 or 3 others i can not remember thier nicks but they know who they are! the good ones are sweet nice and considerate. they take the time to get to know someone and be polite while doing so, the unfortunate part is that they too are bullied into submission by the gang that runs the place. i started posting things on facebook and heard that scrappy nine et al were telling them that i was BASHING EVERYONE well at that point i moved my posts here so that the entire world could see just WHO i was telling the truth about, and just what my opinion of them was.
Karma is a beautiful thing it comes back and bites someone nasty and mean in the butt at the best times and while i may not be there to see it, i know its coming! At this point i see NO reason to stop my posts about these people, in fact i find it funny that thier harrassment didnt work and niether did thier lies so now they are trying to appeal to my sense of fairplay (this is sooo laughable coming from them, since they have ZERO sense of fair anything). Romika is a follower she does what they tell her when they tell her and man o man she can NOT take a joke or an apology at all so PLEASE if you wander in there DO NOT try to joke with her she doesnt get it has NO sense of humor at all! if you do and offend her in some way that gang she runs with will be all over you like white on rice! #quiltchat bills themselves as the friendliest irc channel, this is SOOOOOOOOO far from true its ridiculous! they are only friendly to thier core gang the rest of the chatters can go hang for all they care! Romika makes out like butter wouldnt melt in her mouth but she is just as vicious as her little pals, a regular viper like the rest of that gang, the only people on that channel WORTH talking to are the people on the above list and thats IF the gang decides to LET them talk to YOU! be careful and watchful of this group of vipers! More later on miss romika, i must sit and gather my thoughts and recallations about this snake before i write more. right now i am reminded of that toby keith song and i feel like shouting it to thier faces HOW DO YOU LIKE ME NOW?!?!?!?!?! you vipers started this and im not backing down from it this time, i did that once but you all could NOT let it go, you just HAD to keep coming after me, could NOT let me be and just chat with my friends long after you all had gone to bed or gotten up. well the way i see it you got what you wanted but im sure you dont see it that way, im sure you all thought that i was too stupid, broken (over being banned LOL i laughed my ass off over that one honestly who flipping cares i was only there to chat with a couple of folks and i can do that on msn or yahoo and there aint squat ya all can do about it, i didnt need to be there to talk to my friends) and afraid of you to even consider doing anything but running away with my tail between my legs, LOLOLOLOLOL FOOLED YOU! picked the WRONG person this time vipers, i dont go quietly into that good night more then once, the second time you come after me i fight back! DEAL WITH IT you brought it on yourselfs! and i intend to keep telling the world ALL about you! ALL about the things you do and say behind others backs and how given half a chance you will stab someone in the back while smiling to thier face! you vipers use and abuse people and im quite sure get a great laugh out of how you "broke" someone, and this time you messed with the wrong woman. see ya all tomorrow for another installment of #quiltchat (or in my opinion VIPERchat). we will talk tomorrow about towing the viper line and what happens if you dont!