Friday, March 12, 2010


okay so today i get a facebook email from one of the people on #quiltchat telling me that they came here to "see all my beautiful quilts" and found the "bashing of chatters" on #quiltchat, what a joke they know that i took the quilts down from here a LONG time ago cuz they are the ones that drove me to do it because they used the comments to bash me on my own blog! this was way back at the begining almost a year ago when i made the mistake of trying to make a joke out of the fact that they were forever calling me by someone else's nick cuz they are too flipping lazy to type more then one or two letters or use the tab key correctly! i apologized a million times for using someone elses nick as part of mine (i figured hey lets make it easy for them sheesh ya know it was a joke get over it already) i got lectured about how they are all "protective of thier nicknames" (so its okay for them to mess mine up but not ok for me to make a joke about it hummmmmmm) they told people to stop talking to me and to ignore my emails (which quite a few did cuz well HELLO they were intent on making me miserable and getting me to go away so best to do what the gang (and they are a gang) says) i left intent on NEVER going back there just moving on ya know, well a few begged me to come back and to just hang on a certain time slot so i did but could this gang leave it alone and move on??? HELL NO they couldnt they started coming in on that time slot, and started again telling people NOT to talk to me, soooooo now im supposed to move on and leave them alone?? LOL they should have thought about consequences when they started on me and couldnt leave me alone and move on. should have thought about it before they started using MY blog as a way to harrass me to the point that i had to shut comments down, all this is okay for them to do but im not supposed to fire back and let the rest of the world know what a nasty gang of people they are. let me think about that for a min..........okay i thought about it and my response to them is HELL NO im not going to stop in fact im just getting started so hang on to your nasty selfs this is going to be a bumpy ride for you, as me im finding this carathic, these people have gone after me and my friends, lied about everything and pardon me im laughing too hard to type at the moment, when it starts to get a lil warm for them they expect the person they bullied "to be the bigger person and let it go" well maybe that worked for them in the past it wont this time, i let it go once they wouldnt so game on. the world will know just what kind of people they are and what kind of channel that is, it is now my mission in life to warn people about them! keep watching more later right now i need to go stop laughing my butt off (im not sure i can after that email tho it was tooo flipping funny)!